Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 Boldnesses

I've heard there are only two things that are sure in life: death and taxes. I disagree. There are other things you can be sure of like the gym will be packed the first week of January, everyone will be posting about how wonderful their year was in 2015 and how much they're going to change in 2016. You can also be sure that bloggers such as myself will post plans for 2016 (just like I did in 2013 and 2014 and 2015). So maybe there's a little more certainty in life besides just death and taxes.

In the past, I've focused my blog resolutions on food things because this is a food blog and while I do have some thoughts on what to do more of in the kitchen, I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to achieve as a person. Not necessarily, be healthier or swear less but being more open and kind. You'll see, I'll be a bonafide Disney princess by this time next year.

I didn't want to entitle this so much as "resolutions" because it's not a problem to fix, just some things I want to be mindful of (and in some cases achieve). But looking for synonyms for "resolutions" resulted in the word "boldness". So we're going with boldnesses.

In the Kitchen
  • Bread- This has never really worked out for me, rolls don't rise, pizza dough remains the same size hour after hour. But this year, I will conquer this whole dough rising thing!
  • Crockpot- I used my crockpot a fair amount in year's past but it's been gathering dust in my kitchen cabinet for some time now. This is also an effort to be better with weekly meal prep so I can crockpot one thing while cooking another.
  • Pasta- I took a pasta making class last year in London and was like "yes, I'm going to make fresh pasta from now on!". I even got a ravioli press but have never made pasta since. On the bucket list.
In the Daily Life
  • Unsubscribe- Coincidentally, this was a goal last year too but I still find myself deleting dozens of GroupOn emails every day. No joke.
  • Donate- I've read a lot about capsule wardrobes over the last few months. While I don't feel quite ready to commit to just 30 pieces of clothing, I do think I can pare down my closet.
  • Volunteer- Generally looking for more activities that give back and involve other people and not just me and my cat.
  • Print Photos- I swear I printed photos not that long ago but I can't find them. Even though we live in the digital age, I'm a fan of actual photo albums and scrapbooks. I've taken some great trips recently and I want to have a record! No big deal, just about 3 years of life to cover #nopressure. 

In the World
  • Be Open-To new experiences, new opportunities and new people. I'm a pretty type-A person (shocker) so trying not to live within the lines or worry if I'm doing life 'right'. It's more about what's choosing a path that's 'right for me' than what would be considered 'right' overall.
  • Observe Beauty- Pretty sure this is also a repeat thought but previously it was about taking an Instagram photo a day to note beauty. Perhaps not as important to record as to take a moment to note the good things in a day and not just the bad.
  • Be Kind- Not to imply I'm a mean person, I don't think that at all but you know when you see your coworker's hair looks nice and you want to compliment them but you don't want to be weird? Just compliment them, you would appreciate it (and no, if someone says it to you it does not mean that all other days your hair looks bad). Also, being kind to myself. We are far tougher on ourselves and more critical than most people are to you.
Whatever your boldnesses are (or aren't), I wish you a Happy New Year and welcome you to join the ride!

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